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Ensuring your social well-being.

caregiver and senior man having a conversation while drinking a teaFor a lot of recoverees and people living with diseases, readapting to their home environments and communities could be difficult. They might need help in relearning simple activities and managing the changes their conditions entail. We understand the hardships of reintroducing yourself into the daily tasks and responsibilities in life. If you are someone who is in such a situation, our staff can guide you through activities and exercises that may gradually help you fully cope with the people around you.

Here are what our community living assistants can do for you:

  • Promoting conversations among the family members to make the home supportive for recovery
  • Re-educating you about simple household activities
  • Teaching social skills
  • Assessing your home environment and suggesting certain changes to make around the house
  • And more

If you have more questions about community living assistance, please message us or reach out to us through our contact channels.